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TPCB | Transportation Planning Capacity Building


Welcome to the redesigned Transportation Planning Capacity Building (TPCB) webpage! Below are a few notes to help you navigate the site.

On the Home page, you will find a selection of featured information and resources, including how to get involved with TPCB and upcoming events. For more information about TPCB’s mission and history, please click the About link at the bottom of the Home page.

Information and resources related to Peer Learning can now be found on the Peer Program page. In addition to information about TPCB’s Peer Program and featured Peer Reports on the main program page, you will find an online application to the program in the Peer Program drop-down menu. All Peer Reports can be found in the resource database, located in the Resource Hub.

If you are looking for TPCB Focus Areas, please navigate to the Planning Topics page located under the Planning Portal drop-down menu. Here you will find TPCB’s ten core planning topics. To view additional planning topics, please click “view all planning topics” at the bottom of the screen.

A new Planning Essentials page, located under the Planning Portal drop-down menu, provides important planning information including planning processes, stakeholders, products, and tools. This page also provides links to the MPO Database and the Statewide Transportation Improvement Programs and State Long Range Transportation Plans.

Examples of innovative planning practices, which include TPEA award-winning projects, can be found on the Innovative Planning Practices page, located under the Planning Portal drop-down menu.

If you are looking for publications and resources, please navigate to the Resource Hub. The Hub displays featured resources, publications, and trainings, and allows you to search for any resource you may be looking for. This page also includes links to the MPO Database and the State Long Range Transportation Planning Database.

Information and resources previously located on the Training and Education page are now featured on Connect & Learn. Here you will find information on trainings and courses, future webinars, and a calendar of events.