Public Engagement
Case Studies and Notable Practices
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Case Study: Genesee County Metropolitan Planning Commission (GCMPC) Approach to Transportation and Housing Planning Coordination
In 2020, Genesee County Metropolitan Planning Commission (GCMPC) published its most recent long-range plan and demonstrated a coordinated, multidisciplinary vision for the future of the County. Through the alignment of land use, housing, and transportation planning efforts, GCMPC aims to better assess and allocate resource needs among neighborhoods to improve livability and mobility for residents. In an effort to more closely evaluate and address housing needs in the region, GCMPC published the Barriers to Affordable Living Report and hosts several housing-focused initiatives, including providing subsidized units to low-income individuals; rental and utility assistance, and the Home Investment Partnership, a Federal program administered by GCMPC. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), in coordination with GCMPC, has developed a case study, available on the TPCB website, which provides information about WFRC's interdisciplinary planning approach that considers housing, land use, and transportation to enhance livability and mobility across local communities. |
Nov 2023 |
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The City of Palm Beach Gardens’ Vision and Framework for a Transit-Oriented Future
The City of Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, and the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council (TCRPC)—the planning organization for the Treasure Coast region—are exhibiting leadership in advancing mobility, accessibility, and housing options in Southeast Florida. This case study highlights the policy, public engagement, and multi-jurisdictional coordination tools leveraged to bring transit-oriented development (TOD) to housing, land use, and transportation planning in Palm Beach Gardens. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), in coordination with the City of Palm Beach Gardens and the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council (TCRPC) has developed a case study, available on the TPCB website, highlighting the TOD policies and plans that aim to reshape existing neighborhoods and future development around transit hubs to create more walkable, vibrant, and sustainable communities. |
Sep 2023 |
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Case Study: The Wasatch Front Regional Council’s
Visionary Approach to Transportation, Land Use, and
Building upon the intent of the Envision Utah effort, the Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC) works toward a multidisciplinary, planning-focused framework layering considerations for transportation, land use, parks, open space, housing, and economic development. Throughout development of its Regional Transportation Plan, WFRC created different scenarios to demonstrate the costs and benefits associated with transportation and land use investment options then used project selection criteria to evaluate the impact of projects within each scenario and assembled a portfolio of projects that move the region towards the Wasatch Choice Vision—a future-oriented, shared planning effort to improve the quality of life for all in the Wasatch Front area. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), in coordination with WFRC, has developed a case study, available on the TPCB website, which provides information about WFRC's interdisciplinary planning approach that considers housing, land use, and transportation to accommodate current and future travelers. |
May 2023 |
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Case Study: Athens-Clarke County Georgia’s
Comprehensive Approach to Complete Streets
The Athens-Clarke County Unified Government (ACCGov), situated in northeast Georgia, demonstrates its Complete Streets planning priorities through both policy implementation and project development. ACCGov first established its dedication to Complete Streets-focused planning with a formal policy adoption in 2012. In 2022, ACCGov reaffirmed its emphasis on Complete Streets through the adoption of an updated Complete Streets policy. Its Complete Streets approach focuses on transportation planning efforts to build out its multimodal network capacity and accessibility and reduce traffic-related fatalities and serious injuries. Recent local Complete Streets projects include adding bike lanes along downtown corridors and installing new crosswalks. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), in coordination with the Athens-Clarke County Unified Government (ACCGov), has developed a case study available on the TPCB website that highlights the growing portfolio of Complete Streets planning initiatives led by ACCGov. |
Apr 2023 |
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Bismarck-Mandan Metropolitan Planning Organization (Bismarck-Mandan MPO) East Main Avenue Corridor Study
The Bismarck-Mandan Metropolitan Planning Organization (BMMPO) is pursuing a Complete Streets approach to transportation infrastructure preservation and expansion. The East Main Avenue Corridor Study brings BMMPO together with the City of Bismarck, North Dakota, to identify the corridor’s potential for adopting Complete Streets design concepts within the context of Bismarck, ND. This new corridor study reviews transportation needs for people and freight; identifies ways to expand transit, bicycle, and pedestrian infrastructure; and pinpoints development opportunities along the East Main Avenue Corridor. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), in coordination with the Bismarck-Mandan MPO, has developed a case study available on the TPCB website that highlights BMMPO’s priorities to expand gathering and green spaces and increase multimodal access and safety along one of Bismarck’s primary corridors. |
Feb 2023 |
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The Kentuckiana Regional Planning & Development Agency’s Complete Streets Policy
The Kentuckiana Planning and Development Agency (KIPDA) advances safety, accessibility, and comfort for all types of travel through its Complete Streets efforts. In September 2022, KIPDA passed an overarching policy providing guidelines and recommendations for incorporating Complete Streets into future transportation planning processes. This case study provides an overview of KIPDA’s Complete Streets policy and how it influences planning and project development within a multi-state context. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), in coordination with KIPDA, has developed a case study, available on the TPCB website, which highlights how KIPDA and its planning partners support context specific strategies for project prioritization, in line with Complete Streets principles, and best practices for incorporating Complete Streets elements in new construction and reconstruction. |
Feb 2023 |
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Pima Association of Governments (PAG) Complete Streets Planning Initiatives
The Pima Association of Governments (PAG) and its members take a community-focused approach to weaving Complete Streets concepts into their transportation planning efforts. Building on its Complete Streets Resolution adopted in 2015, PAG designs policies and plans to encourage and support member jurisdictions to promote project design, planning, and policymaking centered on safety, accessibility, and connectivity for all types of travel. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), in coordination with PAG, has developed a case study, available on the TPCB website, which provides information about the combined efforts of the City of Tuscon and PAG to advance Complete Streets priorities, particularly a Complete Streets Policy and Guide, regional bicycle and pedestrian planning, and creative methodologies for increasing public input in planning processes. |
Feb 2023 |
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Carson City, Nevada’s Multi-faceted Approach to Complete Streets
By committing to long-term goals for increasing multimodal access and user safety, the City of Carson City, Nevada, and the Carson Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) developed a robust Complete Streets program within its downtown corridor. This began with the 2026 Carson City Master Plan, adopted in 2006, demonstrating Carson City’s early vision to improve the conditions of roadways and increase safety and connectivity for all travelers within its transportation network. Since then, the City has established policies, secured funding streams, and conducted community engagement to bring Complete Streets to the Carson City region. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), in coordination with the City of Carson City, Nevada, and the Carson Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO), has developed a case study, available on the TPCB website, which highlights Carson City and CAMPO’s strategies to create a safe and connected transportation network for all users to travel comfortably via the transportation mode of their choice. |
Feb 2023 |
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Case Study: Broward Metropolitan Planning Organization Complete Streets Initiative
Broward MPO prioritizes a multimodal Complete Streets approach to transportation planning. These efforts center on its 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) supported by programs, partnerships, and policies, including the Complete Streets Master Plan (CSMP). In 2012, the MPO developed a Mobility Program; established partnerships with the Broward Regional Health Planning Council (BRHPC), Smart Growth Partnerships, and the Health Foundation of South Florida, leading to the development of Broward Complete Streets Guidelines; and created the Complete Streets Advisory Committee to further guide the development of Complete Streets. Broward MPO created unique ways to engage the public and educate about the benefits of Complete Streets including Walking Audits, which engage residents in public space by asking them to assess specific corridors and provide feedback, and Let’s Go Biking! and Let’s Go Walking! for residents of all ages and abilities to explore their communities. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), in coordination with Broward MPO, has developed a case study available on the TPCB website that provides information about Broward MPO’s activities to advance Complete Streets priorities, particularly its Complete Streets Master Plan and innovative engagement efforts with stakeholders. |
Nov 2022 |
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Freight Resilience Planning in the Face of Climate-Related Disruption
The purpose of this research is to summarize the state of the practice for freight resiliency planning. Freight planning by public sector agencies is still a relatively new discipline. Given that climate change is causing more frequent and more severe extreme weather events and that these events are increasingly disrupting the movement of goods and services across the United States, this research provides a summary of current practices, methods, and gaps in freight resiliency planning to inform the development and improvement of freight resiliency planning to address climate change and extreme weather risks. |
Jun 2022 |
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Case Study: Florida DOT Public Involvement
The Florida DOT Case Study on Public Involvement discusses the Florida DOT's launch of an ambitious statewide public involvement effort in 1994 to solicit the participation of Florida's citizens, visitors, and businesses in developing the 2020 Florida Transportation Plan (FTP). |
Sep 2019 |
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Case Study: Minnesota DOT
Over the years, Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT) has placed considerable emphasis on the need to continually evaluate the way it interacts with the public. Recognizing the need to involve as diverse a range of voices as possible to arr |
Sep 2019 |
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Notable Practice: Place It! Process
Place It! is a design and participation-based urban planning practice founded by urban planner James Rojas that uses model-building workshops and on-site interactive models to help engage the public in the planning and design process. Place It! utilizes innovative methods to engage participants in Visioning Workshops, allowing participants to build small-scale models of their urban spaces using quirky objects. Through the PLACE IT! process, participants are able to learn about the role of planning and design in shaping how we live and translate their dreams and ideas into physical forms and models. From these physical results and their accompanying stories, the public can generate plans, drawings, and policy recommendations for municipalities, NGOs, and elected officials. |
Aug 2019 |
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Kayak Public Transit Asset Management/Maintenance Plan
A new case study for tribal/small providers is now available on Kayak Public Transit, a transit service provider for the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR) in Oregon. Kayak Public Transit developed an internal maintenance and asset management plan in 2013, which enhanced monitoring and reporting at the agency and improved visibility over asset condition and maintenance activities. |
Mar 2019 |
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Notable Practice: Polk Transportation Planning Organization Infographics
Polk Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) (Bartow, FL) uses interactive mapping and social media to significantly improve public engagement in its transportation planning. Polk TPO has managed to combine computer technology with project summaries to deliver notable community engagement. Through this software, the TPO produces infographics, which are essentially colorful brochures that provide salient but complicated data in step-by-step format, giving the public basic information as well as the choice to learn more by linking to the main document or contacting the TPO. The TPO has used these public involvement tools in a number of areas, most notably the LRTP, LEP, Transit and its Aging in Place programs. The TPO utilized the software to develop its Momentum 2040 LRTP. It is also being used for a program called Livable Polk, which is a biannual award program that seeks to honor projects from both the private and public sectors that embody innovative planning principles. |
Jan 2019 |
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America Walks Spotlights Transit-Walkability Collaboration
America Walks published a Transit-Walkability Collaborative case study series, which highlights collaborations between public transit operators and active transportation organizations to improve safety, walkability, and transit access in four different communities. The case studies highlight models for connectivity between transit and active transportation options. The featured communities were chosen for their efforts to strengthen local economic development, create opportunities for vulnerable and underserved residents, and enhance community resilience. |
Dec 2018 |
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FTA Video: Using Asset Management to Prioritize Improvements
FTA’s Transit Asset Management (TAM) program rule requires agencies to develop plans to improve the condition of their systems to maintain a state of good repair and ensure safe and efficient service. FTA continues to help agencies implement asset management and performance-based planning through grants, courses, webinars, online templates and materials, and participation at conferences. FTA's newest resource is a three-minute video showcasing the San Joaquin Regional Transit District and the Southeast Pennsylvania Transit Authority (SEPTA)’s efforts to use asset management to help their agencies balance and prioritize improvements. |
Sep 2018 |
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Creating and Measuring an Active Transportation Network in Moscow, ID
Moscow, Idaho is a small city near the University of Idaho with a footprint of under seven square miles and a population of about 25,000. Moscow residents demonstrated support for active transportation projects, and the city built some bikeways and walkways, but until recent years, the city had not been focused on building staff capacity to implement widespread multimodal projects or gathering data to determine their impacts. This case study describes the city's approach to solve this issue. |
Oct 2017 |
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Notable Practice: City of Seattle Community Visioning Murals
Through a City of Seattle Neighborhood Matching Fund, Columbia City residents contracted with artists from the Southeast Seattle Arts Council to paint the communities’ dreams on the plywood covering boarded-up storefronts. The murals depicted the windows of an ice cream parlor, a toy store, a dance studio, a bookshop, and a hat shop. The murals looked so realistic that passing motorists sometimes stopped to shop. They captured the imagination of a developer and several business owners. All of the murals had to be removed within a year because new businesses wanted to relocate to the buildings. |
Aug 2012 |
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Notable Practice: North Carolina DOT (NCDOT) Public Participation Best Practices Document
NCDOT uses the document Best Practices and Tools for Public Participation in Comprehensive Transportation Planning and Project Development. The document highlights the use of the following public participation techniques: library partnerships, youth education programs, games, model organizations, activity books, interactive analysis tools, Public Participation GIS (PPGIS), visualization, really simply syndication (RSS), social networking, video sharing, and online collaboration. NCDOT achieves real time feedback at public meetings via audio casts. |
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Notable Practice: Kentucky Transportation Cabinet Public Involvement Toolbox
The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet considers public involvement to be an essential feature in project development. A toolbox of processes, checklists, and resources has been developed as an ongoing resource for highway design project managers. The toolbox gives the project manager tools to develop an effective public involvement plan for future highway design projects. |
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Notable Practice: Lawrence Douglas County MPO Town Hall and Mobile Community Classroom
The Lawrence Douglas County MPO (Lawrence, KS) took advantage of the Lawrence Pedestrian Coalition’s Safe Routes for All town hall in March 2015 to survey participants about pedestrian priorities in the community for the development of the Regional Pedestrian Plan. The Safe Routes for All town hall included a presentation by Robert Ping, a national expert from Walkable and Livable Communities Institute, and a panel of regional experts working to improve bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure in their communities. Before the event, MPO staff and organizing team partners engaged the community with the help of the University of Kansas (KU) Mobile Collaboratory (MoCOLAB), a repurposed 1972 31’ Airstream Land Yacht that was conceived and designed to be KU’s “community classroom on wheels.” Passersby are drawn into the Airstream because of its unique charm and sleek finishes. As a result, members of the community who might not typically be engaged were able to learn about the MPO’s work and participate in the public engagement process by talking with staff and taking the MPO’s survey. The MoCOLAB is available as a Community and University resource for civic engagement. |
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Notable Practice: City of Philadelphia Public Comment via Text and App
To narrow down ninety potential bike share locations, the City of Philadelphia empowered residents to provide comments via text messages or Shareabouts, a mapping application for crowdsourced information gathering (available in both English and Spanish). Approximately 10,400 surveys were submitted, providing substantial detail about how people use bike share locations and specific feedback on altering locations. Text message integration was made possible by Textizen, and all information collected fed back into the same Shareabouts map. |
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Case Study: Metropolitan Council and the Hiawatha Light Rail Transit Design-Build Project
This case study reviews the design-build method used in the public involvement process of the Hiawatha Light Rail Transit Project in the Twin Cities in Minnesota (Minneapolis and Saint Paul, MN). |
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Case Study: Maine DOT and the Sagadahoc Bridge
The MaineDOT case study focuses on their choice to use design-build over the traditional design/bid/build process because of the need to expedite the project. The use of the design-build method presented challenges to MaineDOT and the local community regarding public involvement. As MaineDOT’s first design-build project, there was no framework for public participation in a design-build context. The expedited project schedule gave rise to early community concerns about aesthetics, thus necessitating a forum for involving the public. Among the initiatives to meet these challenges were the creation of a local advisory committee, MaineDOT’s hiring of a public relations firm and the use of a design charrette to elicit public involvement in the aesthetics of the project. |
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Case Study: Washington State DOT (WSDOT) and the SR500/Thurston Way Interchange
This case study focuses on the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) project to construct a new grade-separated interchange at the intersection of Washington State Route 500 and Thurston Way, approximately one mile from Interstate 205 in the city of Vancouver. The SR 500/ Thurston Way interchange is the first design-build project in the state of Washington, and is serving as a demonstration project to evaluate the use of this contracting method. |
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